No new comic today. Not because there’s not one finished (the next dozen or so strips are in “the bank”), but because I’m not as far ahead of schedule as I’d like to be, AND because I realize there’s some timing I want to adjust in the presentation of these things.
I’m in the middle of penciling the 150th strip in this webcomic series, which feels sort-of impressive to me, even if they’ve been spread out over four-plus years. The original Utopian series only ran 109 entries, but to be fair, those were standard comic-book page dimensions, as opposed to the three-panel approach of Foundation.
Meanwhile, I just posted the 20th Sequential Madness strip, but nobody really reads that anyway, so not sure there’s much cause for celebration there (plus, like this webcomic, it went on hiatus for a few years, so that’s not much of an accomplishment, I guess).
Anyway, see you Monday. You won’t want to miss the next strip.
So, I’m going to wait until Monday to post the next comic, because a new multi-strip scene is starting and I want to keep the flow smoothly. So just enjoy your burrito in peace for the next few days.
Speaking of posting schedules, we’re going to move away from the daily posts in the near future as we approach the end of the “rerun” strips and get to the new stuff I’ve been cooking up the last few months (though nowhere near as quickly as I’d hoped). I’m not sure what that will look like–I’m thinking maybe Mondays & Fridays?–but we’ll learn together.
If you can read this, you’re doing better than I am. Since last Friday, my websites have been basically unavailable, at least to me, suffering alleged DDoS (Denial of Service) attacks. Because most of them are hosted on the same server, what’s bad for the goose has been bad for the gander. Hence why there have been no new comics posted this week. How did I get this blog posted, you ask? I don’t know. I logged onto a different computer on a network that let me access it, so that’s good. The bad is that my comics are sitting on a big hard drive at my home office, so I might have to do some file location shifting and then try to get that stuff posted from a remote location again.
Anyway, that’s the deal. I might just call this week a wash and schedule the next batch of strips to start Monday, since there’s a weeklong scene coming up next. Hang tight.
No new comic today, mainly because in light of the last few days’ horrible killings around the U.S., it just doesn’t seem right to publish something so mundane as a webcomic, especially one that’s currently four years old and not addressing the reality of today.
I’m sad, guys. I’m sad that we can’t all get along. I’m sad that those in positions of power continue to abuse that power. I’m sad that everything I thought my generation was going to fix in terms of social and systemic equality just didn’t get fixed, and if anything, seems worse than ever. I’m sad that my white privilege is a real thing. I’m sad that there are legit people out there who actually think and say things like this:
I don’t know. It feels like the grand experiment that’s the United States, or perhaps the entire human race, is coming to an end, and it’s a failure. Nice try, I guess?
Be safe out there.